Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi there all!  Hope your having a great weekend.  Well in order to get ready for the next open house, I have taken some time to organize and inventory all the books.  I now have all the books in stacks by grade level. Also, I have a master list by grade level with subcategories by subject.  If you would like a copy of the list emailed to you I would be glad to do that.  Just let me know what grades you are interested in and your email address and I will get it to you.

REMINDER:  The next open house is this coming Friday, September 16th, from 9am-12pm. My address is 9417 Marydale Lane, Fort Wayne,  46804.  If you need directions please call me at 260-747-1454.  Donations of curriculum, educational books, supplies, or games can be done anytime.  Just let me know when a good drop off time is for you.  Please note that while you do not have to donation to take advantage of the free stuff, if you or anyone you know can donate it will help to keep this ministry going.  Thank you so much  and have a blessed week.

Friday, September 2, 2011

September update

Hi there,

Well I  can't believe we have already started our first week of school.  It was a little rocky at first but we are slowly starting to work out the kinks.  I have got some great stuff in the last couple of days and am attempting to catalog everything so as to be better organized.  I won't be able to do an open house on Saturday morning because my youngest son has football games that morning.  Because of this I will be hosting the September open house on the following date:

Open House:  Friday, September 16th, 2011. From 9-12

As of right now it will still be held at my home, 9417 Marydale Lane.

If you or anyone you know would like to donate, please feel free to contact me at 260-747-1454 to set up a drop off time and/or get directions.  

Hope to see you there!